Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

POSTPONED: Plática: 18th & Grand and the Mexican-American Experience 

The Olympic Auditorium was the people’s venue, a place where Angelenos came together to enjoy intense, visceral sports and entertainment. It had a particularly strong connection to L.A.’s Mexican-American community who made up a majority of the fighters, skaters, and fans. Join L.A. Times columnist Gustavo Arellano, world champion boxer Carlos Palomino, wrestler Mando Guerrero, L.A. T-Bird roller derby star Honey Sanchez, along with guest co-curators Gene Aguilera and Steve DeBro, as they discuss the intersection between the Olympic Auditorium and the Mexican-American experience.

Photographer Unknown. Art Aragon at the Main Street Gym circa 1951. Black and white photograph. Courtesy of Hap Navarro Boxing Collection. ©Hap Navarro Boxing Collection. Used with permission, all rights reserved.

August 20, 2023 |  1:30 pm *