¡Viva México! September 16, 1810, marks the start of Mexico’s quest for independence. Celebrate Mexico’s dynamic history and culture with us! Enjoy live music and dance and art workshops.
Sponsored by AARP California.
What’s Your Grito? Stencil Art 🔔
¡Viva Mexico! On the dawn of September 16, in 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang the church bell in Dolores, Guanajuato, shouting a rallying cry for independence. This cry, known as El Grito de Independencia, marked the beginning of an 11-year fight against the oppressive government of Nueva España (New Spain). What is a cause that is important to you? What is your Grito? Let out your own Grito using stencil art! This workshop is facilitated by Master Printer, Dewey Tafoya.
Lucha y Libertad: Create Your Own Estandarte 📃
Did you know un estandarte (a standard) is a type of flag that serves as an emblem (or symbol) representing a person, group, or organization? Estandartes are usually carried on a pole or hoisted on a rope and used to mark a rallying point in a battle. Learn about el estandarte de Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, an emblem of hope, independence, and resistance during the fight for Mexican independence. Create your own estandarte using symbols to express a message that is important to you! Carry your flag to share your message with others!
¡Verde, blanco, y rojo! Did you know all the colors of the Mexican flag can be represented on the prickly pear cactus? Cochineal bugs that live on the prickly pear cactus can be spotted as a cottony white substance. When harvested, dried, and made into a powder, this parasite makes a vibrant red color used for dye. In Mesoamerica, this natural dye was used in manuscripts and in textiles. Join us in the garden for an exploration of el nopal, learn about the parts of this prickly plant, its many uses that continue.
1pm – The Mariachi Conservatory 🎺
2pm – Ballet Folklórico Aztlán de CSUN 💃🏽
3pm – Mariachi de Uclatlán 🎻
🇲🇽 Fiestas Patrias Family Day
📆 Sunday, September 10 | 12 to 4pm | Free
🌮 Food and drinks will be available for sale
📍 501 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Gloria Molina Grand Park will be displaying information on their programs.