Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Plática y Prueba: “In the Kitchen/En La Cocina” Book Release Celebration! | $25

Ages 18+ ONLY!

Join a conversation on the process of writing and illustrating your own children’s book with author/illustrator of “In the Kitchen/En La Cocina: A Bilingual Journey through Flavor, Family and Tradition” with Author/Illustrator Ana Paeke and Publisher Con Todo Press founder Naibe Reynoso

As a part of the program, each guest will receive a copy of Ana’s book “In the Kitchen, En La Cocina, A Bilingual Journey through Flavor, Family and Tradition” is included in the price of the program. The evening will also include a game of Loteria with the winner taking home a free Piñata box courtesy of Con Todo Press! Valued at over $150, it includes a signed book “How to Stuff a Piñata,” a piñata making kit from Little Piñata Maker, piñata earrings by Curious Mirabelle, candies, an activity sheet and more!

December 12, 2024 |  7:00 pm *
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