Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Native Food Ways: Sustainable Foods & Eating with the Seasons

In this class, students will learn the history of fry bread and wojapi (Native American berry sauce made with chokeberries, blueberries, huckleberries, and/ or blackberries) and how these ingredients maintain a sustainable food choice within the season its grown in.

Participants will make traditional fry bread that consists of flour, salt, baking powder, and oil. They are the basic ingredients of must fry bread recipes, but the shape, taste, and color vary by region, tribe and family.

Guest Speaker, Chef Pyet DeSpain. Pyet is the first winner of Gordon Ramsay’s new groundbreaking TV show, Next Level Chef, on Fox. Her life’s work is dedicated to Indigenous Fusion Cuisine, where she combines the food of her heritage– both native Native American and Mexican. Pyet’s passion is to uplift indigenous culture and traditions via storytelling and cooking.

August 27, 2022 |  10:00 am *
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