Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Nocheztli (Cochinilla/Cochineal) Taller de Teñir/Dye Workshop | Free

La fabricación de tintes de Nocheztli (cochinilla) es una tecnología Indígena para crear color en ropa, maquillaje, arte, etc., que va desde el rojo brillante hasta el púrpura y el amarillo. En este taller de teñido, los participantes podrán crear su propia bufanda personalizada utilizando técnicas de enrollado y plegado.

Cochineal dye-making is an Indigenous technology for creating color in clothing, makeup, art, etc that ranges from bright red to purples and yellows. In this workshop participants will be able to create their own custom scarf using bundle and folding techniques.

This workshop is presented by Meztli Projects, an Indigenous based arts & culture collaborative centering Indigeneity into the creative practice of Los Angeles by using arts-based strategies to support, advocate for, and organize to highlight Native and Indigenous Artists and systems-impacted youth. Meztli Projects operates out of Apachianga (East Los Angeles) in Tovaangar (Los Angeles County), lands stewarded since time immemorial by families and villages now known as the Acjachemen, Chumash, Tataviam and Tongva Tribal Nations.

July 22, 2023 |  12:00 pm *