Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Platica y Prueba: “The (De)Colonization of Mesoamerican Food and Foodways”

LA Plaza Cocina invites you to join us for our Platica, “The (De)Colonization of Mesoamerican Foodways.” This Platica provides a socio-cultural, historical and present day storytelling account of the food-based Mesoamerican cultural experience. This experience ranges from the pre-colonial era to the present.

A tasting will be provided for all attendees to activate genetic memories. The Tasting Activation Menu includes:

  • Sweet: Raw Cacao Pudding
  • Sour: Fermented Flor de Calabaza
  • Salty: Nopales Curados
  • Bitter: Zapatista Coffee
  • Umami: Guacamole con Chapulines (Crickets) (Vegan Substitute: Seared Oyster Mushrooms)

Instructor: Chef Claudia Serrato, PhD, Indigenous Culinary Anthropologist; co-founder of Across Our Kitchen Tables

September 24, 2022 |  10:00 am *
Register Here