Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Poetry with Huizache | Free

Since 2011, Huizache has been at the forefront of Latinx literature and art, its goal be the preeminent magazine of Latinx literature, focusing on innovative prose and poetry. Today, Huizache’s legacy of finding writers who challenge the status quo and reimagine our world continues. Poets participating in the reading are: Audrey Harris Fernández, who has been published in Sunstone, Párafo, and elsewhere; Manuel Paul López’s books include “Nerve Curriculum,” “These Days of Candy,” “The Yearning Feed,” and “Death of a Mexican and Other Poems”; Michael Jaime-Becerra, author of “This Time Tomorrow,” a novel awarded an International Latino Book Award; and Vanessa Diaz, who has been published in The Acentos Review, Dryland Lit, Kweli, and Huizache magazine. 

February 24, 2024 |  2:00 pm *
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