Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

L.A History: A Mexican Perspective Finds a Permanent Home

In 2017, LA Plaza exhibited Uncensored: L.A. History: A Mexican Perspective, a viewing of a portable mural by Barbara Carrasco about the history of Los Angeles, at Union Station as part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. It was the first time it was displayed in nearly 30 years. The exhibition’s three-week run was part of LA Plaza’s PST exhibition, Murales Rebeldes: Chicana/o Murals under Siege. The mural was later displayed at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum from March 2018 to August 2019.

Last week, the museum announced that it had acquired the mural, to be part of a new renovation and construction project at the campus in Exposition Park called NHM Commons, that will create space for the 80-foot artwork to be permanently displayed in a new, free Welcome Center open to the public without admission. View videos of the mural’s stay at Union Station by clicking here.