Opening Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 12 - 5pm | Closed Monday & Tuesday

Hecho con Amor: Mango Shrimp Ceviche with Correa’s Mariscos & Cocina | $65

Ages 18+ ONLY!

Mango Shrimp Ceviche is one of Correa’s Mariscos and Cocina’s most popular ceviches, made with a mild spice, semi-sweet, savory profile.

Participants will have a walk-through of the basic knife-holding and cutting techniques. In addition, they will have step-by-step instructions on how to safely dice all ingredients for the ceviche.

Students will learn the unique flavor profiles from the fresh ingedients and learn how to plate ceviche.

Special Guest Speaker: Edgar Nava, part-owner and creative, Correa’s Mariscos & Cocina, will tell their family’s culinary journey and share their unique recipe.

July 11, 2024 |  7:00 pm *
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